One of the iconic images of Cambodia is a kid sitting on top of a water buffalo. It's adorable. Every time I visit the provinces with our WR translator, Engchy, I ask if I can ride one. Each time, he suggests that I jump up on some random animal we pass while driving. That's hardly something I would feel comfortable doing.
This afternoon, we visited a church training on HIV/AIDS. When one of our staff mentioned that I wanted to ride a water buffalo, the pastor went to find one of his own animals out in the rice fields. Thirty minutes later, I was sitting on it!
I can't resist:
"Everyone's got a water buffalo; yours is fast but mine is slow. Where did they come from? I don't know, but everybody's got a water buffalooooooooo!"
Seriously, that is an adorable picture.
i think you're cuter than a kid on a water buffalo... and you can quote me on that.
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